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The JunJun’s column without using a translator machine and a dictionary!! Vol.1

January 01, 2025

Hi, you guys! My name is Junnosuke Watanabe, and I am the former CEO of WACK. I am a student studying for a master’s course in the UK now. I am struggling with learning English. I just want to say how difficult learning English is!!! But my goal is to speak English fluently. This is because I want to communicate with people around the world and to expand our music to the world!

Anyway, in this first column, I would like to talk about why I chose to study in the UK. This is because I met the super fantastic music when I was a junior high school student. My mother brought me a CD, which was Led Zeppelin 4. I was shocked and impressed to listen to it. I thought that there was a lot of wonderful music in the world. Since then, I became a music digger. I stole money from my mother’s wallet to buy a lot of CDs. The second band that had a big impact on me was Nirvana. Nirvana made me a rude student. I started not going to school and started digging into music more deeply. As I dig Nirvana’s history and interviews, I got a lot of information of good music. And then, I was crazy into UK music like David Bowie and Sex Pistols. Sex pistols,which band was managed by Malcolm Mclaren, and David Bowie made me to be more interested in people who supported them commercially. My dream when I was young was to be a rock star but after I knew the promoters like Malcolm Mclaren, I started to want to be a music producer. Also I realized I have no talent to make a music.Lol I love UK music like Prodigy, Blur, Radiohead and Massive Attack etc. I can’t say all of them. When I achieved BiSH’s farewell concert successfully. I started to want to expand our music to the UK. But I didn’t know about UK culture, customs, way of thinking, so I thought I needed to study at the university. Of course I don’t have English skill enough. So now I’m in London.

I’m tired of writing this column now, so I quit so far.
Dear readers, If you have any questions about me or anything to tell me, please ask for this website using forms or BBS. Don’t hesitate to do it. I will happy to answer your questions.

Thank you for reading my bad column. I hope you can read it because I don’t use translators and dictionaries.

See you next time!!