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Introduction to WACK Groups: ExWHYZ

January 01, 2025

ExWHYZ is a four-piece idol group consisting of yu-ki, mayu, maho, and mikina. Their fans affectionately call them ‘Master.’ Shortly after the break-up of the previous group, EMPiRE, in June 2022, the founding of ExWHYZ was announced by the group’s members.

While EMPiRE’s musical style fused rock and dance music, ExWHYZ shifted their focus to club music elements, with a bass-heavy sound rooted in house, techno, and other dance genres. Their live performances, featuring spectacular dancing, are reminiscent of vibrant club scenes.

Their first album, “xYZ”, was released on 2 November 2022 and featured contributions from top creators from Japan and abroad. The album included tracks such as Wanna Dance, produced by Shinichi Osawa (MONDO GROSSO), as well as works by Denny White, 80KIDZ, Maika Loubté, Yahyel’s Mir Shinoda, Kento Yamada, Shin Sakiura, Shingo Sekiguchi, and Michael Kaneko. This lineup of creators helped the group establish a distinctive identity, setting them apart from other WACK groups.

On 13 May 2023, they became the first idols from WACK to take the stage at the Nippon Budokan. They gave an imposing stage performance with dance tunes that boomed with heavy bass.

Introduction to ExWHYZ songs