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WACK’s 3rd London showcase concert, ASP, BiS and MONSTER IDOLMon-Eye perform hot live shows

Music production company WACK held their third overseas concert (WACK in the UK vol.3) on Wednesday 28th August 2024 (UK local time) at The Underworld live house in London, UK.

This was WACK’s third UK showcase tour, a fully DIY event, with WACK booking the venues and managing on-site setup independently.a truly DIY event where WACK booked the venues and set up on site themselves.

In addition to ASP, who have performed at every show, the line-up this time included BiS, who were performing in London for the first time, MAMESHiBA NO TAiGUN TONAIBOUSHO a.k.a. MONSTER IDOL.

While a few enthusiastic fans had traveled from Japan to attend, the majority of the audience, as in previous shows, were international.There were a few enthusiastic fans who had travelled from Japan to see the show, but as in the past, the majority of the audience were from overseas. Before the show began, former WACK representative Junnosuke Watanabe, now based in London, who lives in London, appeared on stage and welcomed the audience in English.


MAMESHIBA, formed in 2019 through the “MONSTER IDOL” project on the TBS variety show Wednesday Downtown, and TONAIBOUSYO, created in 2022 through the “MONSTER LOVE” project, merged to become MONSTER IDOL, aiming for even greater success. The first performer was MAMESHiBA NO TAiGUN TONAIBOUSHO a.k.a. MONSTER IDOL, a group of Mame-Shiba born in 2019 from the project ‘MONSTER IDOL’ of the TBS variety show ‘Wednesday Downtown’ and a certain place in Tokyo born in 2022 from ‘MONSTER LOVE’, who will further merge to become MONSETRIDOL. They are a four-piece idol group from WACK, consisting of Aika the Spy, Nao of Nao, Leona Empire and Momochi Ngele.

Queen’s “We Will Rock You” played, and after a brief wait, the members of MAMESHiBA NO TAiGUN appeared on stage. The rhythm transitioned seamlessly as they launched into their live performance with “Mamen JOY,” showcasing a guitar-driven rock sound with a signature monster idol twist. With the rallying cry of “Let’s Mame Mame Together!” they transitioned into “MAMESHiBA NO TAiGUN -Ookurisurunoha Jinsei Gekijyou.” Fans’ enthusiastic shouts echoed through the live house floor London Underground. The energy reached new heights with “FLASH,” as the crowd clapped along, further amplifying the excitement.Queen’s ‘We Will Rock You’ was played and after a while the four members appeared on stage, the rhythm blended seamlessly and they started their live performance with ‘Bean Joy’. Monster idol guitar rock. Let’s Bean Tougezer!’ and the chant went on to ‘Mame-shiba no Taigun – We present to you the Theatre of Life’. The shouts of the fans echoed through the London Underground. The excitement grew as the audience clapped their hands during ‘FLASH’.

The group introduced themselves in Japanese, followed by individual introductions in English. Though their poor English was limited, they warmly expressed their gratitude for the audience’s attendance in London.The group introduced themselves in Japanese and then one by one in English. In poor English, they expressed their gratitude for coming to London. Then came ‘Icasama Dance’, a unique rodeo dance to an intense beat with a pleasant bass sound, and the hard rock song ‘LiGHTS CAMERA ACTiON’. TheyShe continued with ‘Shout out to good show!’, showing both her sweet and hard side. For a change, they took their time with the mid-tempo four-beat song ‘ByeBye’ and then performed an early song from Mame-Shiba’s Horde era, ‘DaijyoubuOkay Sunrise’.

They explained the famous Japanese idol call, ‘My ◯◯!’, and practiced shouting each member’s name with the audience before moving on to ‘MUST GO’.Again in English, they told the audience that there was a famous call in Japanese idol culture: ‘My ◯◯! and practised each member’s name before moving on to ‘MUST GO’, Aa high pitched song sung by Nao of Nao and Leona Empire, who were the mainstay of the song. The final song was ‘Reistart’, the beginning of a large group of bean bushes, with lyrics written by Kuro-chan (Yasuda Dai Circus: Japanese comedian). Before the falling chorus, the local fans shouted Gachi-Koi KoujyouKuchiage loudly and left the stage in great excitement.


Second on stage were BiS, who have been performing as ‘self-sufficient idols’ since April, but as they have announced that they will disband in 2025, this was their first and last time in London.

Toggy, Nano3, Hyuga, Iko Mugennokanata and Kurenai World’s End entered the stage and said “Nice to meet you, we are the newborn idol study group, BiS!” and started the performance with their first song “STUPiD”. They started the performance with their first song ‘STUPiD’ and performed the well-known group gymnasticskumitei in the chorus of ‘Ebibuddy, Dance!’ and continued with ‘DADADA DANCE SONG’. When they performed the dance-rock song ‘LAZY DANCE’, the familiar Japanese cry of ‘super cute’ echoed among through the audience.

One by one they introduced themselves in English. From this point on, the heat was on as they performed the US rock style ‘BASKET BOX’, ‘STiLL BE CHiLD’ and the emotional song ‘HiDE iN SEW’, all with English lyrics. The way they faced everything with all their might was full of spirit. It is hard to believe that this is their first London performance as they look so majestic on stage.

The members and ‘KENKYUIN’ (*a collective term for BiS fans) pumped their fists in the air to create a sense of unity during ‘R.U.N’, followed by the early first song ‘BiS – Douyara Zombie no OdemashiApparently Zombies’ and finally ‘CURTAiN CALL’, running with all their might from start to finish.


During theThe last act of their third London show, ASP performed ‘ Yumeka Nowkana?, Nameless, Mog Ryan, Matilder Twins, Wonker Twins, CCCCCC and Riontown, with the seven of them seeming to exude more aura than ever.

During the first song, ‘HaikeiDear Rockstar Sama’, they headbang shoulder to shoulder. Of course the local ‘NARAZUMONO’ (*a collective term for ASP fans) did the same. The up-tempo ‘the MAN CALLiNG’ and the digital ‘TOXiC iNVASiON’, for which Maxim of The Prodigy provided the original song, followed in quick succession. Yumeka said in English ‘We’re the last act today, let’s have some fun’ and they ran through the mixed rock song ‘Black Nails’, which had metal elements, and the digital hardcore song ‘NO REASON’. The humidity in the room was rising and the crowd was getting very excited. The band introduced ‘Blueberry Gum’ with the words ‘Next song is kiss song! The crowd started chanting ‘Chut-chut-chut-chut-chut-chut-chut-chut-chut-chut-chut-chut-chut! The crowd started chanting ‘Chuch chuch chuch chuch!

Here they greeted the audience again and introduced themselves one by one. Then they went ‘Ooh-oh!’ with NARAZUMONOthe nakarasha and then sang the epic rock song ‘SAKEBE’ in a rousing chorus. Next tThey then performed ‘MAKE A MOVE’, a song produced by London-based two-piece rock unit WARGASM, and their major label debut ‘Hyper Cracker’, They continued before saying: “We will give it our all until the end. We wouldI’d love to perform with you all again in London!” they said, and they performed the pop-punk song ‘M’, and in the midst of the frenzy, ASP finished their live show.

After the three groups finished their live performances, Watanabe appeared on stage again. The audience cheered loudly when he asked, “Did you enjoy it? All the members were invited on stage and each group gave their impressions: ASP said ‘This is my third time in London, I’m so happy’, BiS said ‘I love London’, MONSTERIDOL said ‘We would like to come back here again. Thank you so much!I love London’ and ASP addedsaid ‘I love London’ and MONSTERIDOL also said ‘I want to come back. Thank you so much!’ and MONSTERIDOL said ‘I want to come back!

When Watanabe mentioned that this was the last time BiS would play in London, the audience expressed their sadness. Watanabe also said ‘I’ll miss you’ and Toggy saidToggy, said ‘I was so happy to finally meet you! I love you!’ and expressed her gratitude and love to the fans.

Watanabe then announced the fourth London show to be held. The venue is the same as before, The Underworld, on 27 November. When Watanabe said, ‘We’ll be performing at ……’, various voices went up from the audience, the loudest of which was ExWHYZ’s. Watanabe announced ExWHYZ’s appearance by saying ‘Of course’. He then announced that ASP would also perform. He also said ‘and more’ and told the audience that additional performers would be announced at a later date, bringing WACK in the UK vol.3 to a close.

Watanabe then announced that theyshe would be giving her fourth concert in London. The venue will be The Underworld again, and the date and time will be November 27thThe venue will be the same as before, The Underworld, and the date and time will be the 27th of November. When Watanabe said “I’ll be performing at ……”, various voices rose from the audience, the loudest cheers came from ExWHYZ’s fans the loudest of which was ExWHYZ’s. Watanabe announced ExWHYZ’s appearance by saying “Of course”. He then announced that ASP would also perform.He also mentioned ‘and more’ and told the audience that additional performers would be announced later He also said ‘and more’ and told the audience that more performers would be announced later, bringing WACK in the UK vol.3 to a grand close.

After the show, a local fan approached me outside the venue.After the show I was approached by a local fan outside the venue. He was originally a fan of BiSH fan and came to WACK in the UK, but has been to come every show since. I have been to every ASP show, so I know most of the songs. He said with a laugh. True to their word, the excitement was highest at this show by far during the ASP’s live performance.True to his word, the enthusiasm for ASP’s live performances was evident and overwhelming at this year’s show overwhelming at this year’s show. WACK’s music is starting to penetrate the UK through regular performances. I felt that at this performance. He then left the venue on his bicycle, confidently saying,gallantly saying “Of course I’ll be back next time!” WACK’s challenge in the UK continues.